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Tokyo, Japan

Job Type

Full time

About the Role



Company Name Kumon Institute of Education Co.
Kumon Institute of Education, Inc.
Head office location
Osaka】 Kumon Kyoiku Kaikan, 5-6-6 Nishinakajima, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka
Tokyo】 12th Floor, Keikyu Daiichi Building, 4-10-18 Takanawa, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Date of Establishment July 1958
Research and development of teaching materials, production, and teaching methods as a franchisor for math and arithmetic,
English, Japanese (native language), French, German, Japanese, calligraphy, and learning therapy, as well as establishment, operation, and management of classrooms.
Development and sales of educational products such as children's books, picture books, teaching aids, and educational toys.

Position Information
Position [General Position] Development and editing of English teaching materials
(development of teaching materials for students in English-speaking countries)

Employment Type Full-time (no fixed term)

Background of Recruitment Hiring of native English speakers to expand the market

Work location Tokyo (may be other locations in the future)
4-10-18 Takanawa, Minato-ku, Tokyo
*There is a telecommuting system, but you may have to come to work.
Nearest station/access Approximately a 3-minute walk from Shinagawa Station on the JR and Keikyu lines

Job Description Will be assigned to the Native Language 2 team in the Native Language Teaching Materials Department.
You will be in charge of English language teaching materials used in the UK, Australia,
New Zealand, Singapore, and other countries, from infants to high school students.

Revision of teaching materials, teaching methods, etc., research and development, liaison and coordination with internal and external parties, research, etc.
The successful candidate will be responsible for the revision of the company's English language teaching materials, including the development of new teaching materials,
research and development, liaison and coordination with internal and external parties, research, and other activities.
The employee to be recruited will also be responsible for writing the English teaching materials.
The position will be responsible for the development of teaching materials for native English speakers and other related work.

The appeal of this position is as follows
The appeal of this position is that you will be able to contribute to education in your home country. To be able to contribute to the education in my home country.
We will work together with the leaders of the school and the local community
to think about and put into practice the idea that children can have dreams and goals and acquire the ability to realize them.

Qualifications Education University graduate or above

Required Experience/Abilities
Native speaker of English.
・Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 1 (N1) or equivalent.
・Interest in producing teaching materials in the language.
・Love writing and reading in English.
・Interest in books/reading and development of teaching materials.
Must be able to travel internationally.
The position will be in Tokyo, but you must be able to accept relocation in the future as a "career-track employee".
New graduates are also welcome to apply, however, we prefer applicants with a bachelor's or master's degree in linguistics or education in their home country or in Japan.
We are looking for new graduates who have a bachelor's or master's degree in linguistics or education in their home country or in Japan. Please consult with us if you are not a new graduate.

Preferred Experience/Abilities
Experience in developing educational materials is a plus.
Experience studying education is a plus.
The ideal candidate should be able to set clear goals and take action on his/her own initiative.
Also, someone who is able to encourage personal growth and the growth of others in the process of achieving goals.
Able to encourage growth in oneself and those around one in the process of achieving goals.
Those who can feel pleasure in contributing to education in their home country.

Trial period Yes →If yes, trial period: 3 months

Working conditions & benefits Estimated annual salary: 5-8 million yen per year (monthly salary) *Including 10 hours of fixed overtime per month
Salary increase once a year (April)
Bonus/incentive twice a year (approx. 4.5 months per year, but subject to change depending on performance)
All transportation expenses paid.
Working hours & break time 09:20 - 17:45 (Break time: 55 minutes) 7.5 hours of actual work
Flexible working hours
Overtime Yes →If available, expected overtime hours: 0 to 20 hours/month *Varies depending on the time of year
Overtime pay: A fixed overtime allowance of 10 hours per month is included in the salary, but any overtime hours in excess of 10 hours per month will be paid separately as overtime pay.
Overtime allowance will be paid separately for overtime in excess of 10 hours per month.
Introduction of discretionary labor system No

Holidays 2 days off per week (Saturday and Sunday), national holidays, anniversary of the founding of the company (October 20)
Summer and New Year vacations (7 to 9 consecutive holidays each) Paid vacations (10 days in the first year, can be taken in 1-hour increments)
Refreshment leave, special leave* 129 days off per year (actual results for fiscal year 2022)

Benefits Various social insurances (health insurance, employees' pension, unemployment insurance, workers' compensation insurance)
Health insurance association,
corporate pension fund,
defined contribution pension plan,
company housing rental system,
childcare leave and childcare work option system,
nursing care leave and nursing care work option system
Smile Mommy System, Course Change System (from regionally restricted to non-regionally restricted)
Training SystemBased on the concept that employee growth = children's growth and
contribution to the local community, we provide training for employees in their first year of employment (introductory training, office work, etc.).
Based on this belief, we provide training for the first year of employment (introductory training, practical training at the office, etc.), training by job level, seminars, study groups, and a self-growth support system.
We also provide training by job level, seminars, study groups, and a personal growth support system.
The above annual salary and other conditions are models, and will be determined upon selection, taking into consideration age, experience, and skills.
Smoking is prohibited indoors in principle (smoking rooms are available).

Company Features
Transportation expenses are paid separately.
Close to train station
Weekends and holidays off
Major company
Visa support available
Special benefits
Company insurance is available.

Selection Process Document screening → GSPI test → 1st interview (online) *Entry sheet by the day before the 1st interview
Submit entry sheet by the day before the 1st interview → Final interview (face-to-face), English composition → Offer interview → Offer of employment
*Recruitment will be closed as soon as the hiring decision is made.

企業名 株式会社公文教育研究会
カブシキガイシャ クモンキョウイクケンキュウカイ
【大阪】 大阪府大阪市淀川区西中島5丁目6番6号 公文教育会館
【東京 】 東京都港区高輪4丁目10番18号 京急第1ビル 12階
設立日 1958年7月
事業内容 ・算数・数学、英語、国語(母国語)、フランス語、ドイツ語、日本語、書写、学習療法などのフランチャイザーとしての教材の研究開発、制作、指導法の研究、ならびに教室の設置・運営管理。

職種 【総合職】英語教材開発・編集(英語圏の学生向けの教材開発)

雇用形態 正社員(期間の定めなし)

募集背景 マーケットの拡大の為、英語を母国語とする担当者の採用

勤務地 東京(将来的に東京以外の勤務地になる可能性もあり)
最寄駅/アクセス JR・京急「品川駅」徒歩約3分

職務内容 母国語教材部の母国語2チームに配属予定。

既に使用している自社の英語教材に関する課題や改訂について、 教材を使用している国の社員の意見を確認し、改訂案を立案し、教材の改訂を行う。教材の作成(ライティング)も自社で行っており、外注はしていない為、今回募集する社員も教材のライティングを行います。・英語を母国語とする方に向けた教材の開発業務およびその他、付随業務


応募資格 学歴 大学卒業以上


求める人物像 自ら明確な目標を設定し、自発的に行動ができる方。また、その目標を達成する過程で

試用期間 有 →有の場合、試用期間: 3か月

勤務条件&待遇 想定年収 年収500~800万円(月給制)※月間10時間の固定残業代含む
賞与・インセンティブ年2回 (年間約4.5ヶ月だが業績により変動あり)
交通費 全額支給。
勤務時間&休憩時間 09: 20 ~ 17: 45 (休憩時間: 55分) 実働7.5時間
時間外労働 有 →有の場合、想定される時間外労働時間:0~20時間程度/月 ※時期により変動
残業代の支給 月間10時間の固定残業代は給与に含まれますが、月間10時間を超過した場合は時間外手当とし
裁量労働制導入 無

休日 週休2日制(土日)、祝日、創立記念日(10月20日)

福利厚生 各種社会保険完備(健康保険 厚生年金 雇用保険 労災保険 )
受動喫煙対策 屋内原則禁煙(喫煙室あり)


選考方法 書類選考→GSPI検査→1次面接(オンライン)※1次面接の前日までにエントリーシー


Haruka Oide



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